Afganistan: A Predictable Collapse

Rob Yackley
2 min readAug 19, 2021


In 1992 Peter Hopkins wrote an incredible book about Central Asia called “The Great Game.” He chronicled the long and abject failure of every Western power who ever took a shot at trying to control this unruly tribal region, a region which includes what is now called Afghanistan. That’s why Afghanistan had been called “The Graveyard of Empires” long before we began our turn at trying to subdue it 20 years ago.

What is happening today in Afghanistan is absolutely horrific. It’s so heartbreaking. But it is was absolutely predictable too. We could turn our troops around right now and go back there for another 20 years, spend trillions more dollars and sacrifice thousands of more lives, but if history has taught us anything, that will change little to nothing.

The Taliban fight for their faith and for a chance at paradise. They fight against the evils of the west which they believe are waging war on their culture and their moral fabric. They fight against corrupt leadership who collude with infidels to secure personal power and amass fortunes.

In contrast, much of the Afghan security forces — military and poilice — fight for money, and fighting for a paycheck is simply no match when facing an opponent fighting for entreched, existential convictions.

Afghanistan certainly needs our political, humanitarian, and spiritual support. But they don’t need our solidiers. It’s long past time for them to come home, and I pray to God that every Afghan who risked their lives while we played the great game with their lives will be given safe shelter. We owe that much and far more.



Rob Yackley

Creator and Director of Thresholds, co-author of Thin Places: Six Postures for Creating and Practicing Missional Community, lead guide at The Garden House.